School Dances
School Dances All dances are required to have no less than four faculty supervisors plus one policeman and custodian in attendance. STUDENTS MUST REMAIN INSIDE THE BUILDING AND AT THE DANCE FOR THE ENTIRE TIME. IF A STUDENT NEEDS TO LEAVE THE DANCE FOR AN EMERGENCY THE PARENT/GUARDIAN MUST APPEAR IN PERSON TO PICK UP HIS/HER CHILD AND HE OR SHE IS NOT PERMITTED TO RETURN TO THE DANCE. Clubs and organizations are to remove all decorations at the conclusion of the dance and restore the gym for class usage. Book bags, gym bags, etc., if brought to the dance must be checked in at the door and can be picked up when the student leaves. Any bags brought to the dance are subject to search. Students must be in at least SEVENTH GRADE and under 21 years of age in order to be permitted to attend the dance (except Prom; see Prom requirements). Students must register guests from outside the school with the administration prior to the dance. All attendees to dances must be students in good standing with no outstanding obligations.
Prom Junior/Senior Year
The location of the Prom is determined each year by the Junior Class officers. No less than four faculty supervisors plus one policeman in are required to be in attendance. STUDENTS MUST REMAIN INSIDE THE BUILDING AND AT THE DANCE FOR THE ENTIRE TIME. IF A STUDENT NEEDS TO LEAVE THE DANCE FOR AN EMERGENCY THE PARENT/GUARDIAN MUST APPEAR IN PERSON TO PICK UP HIS/HER CHILD AND HE OR SHE IS NOT PERMITTED TO RETURN TO THE DANCE. All decorations are to be removed by the Prom Committee at the conclusion of the Prom. Any bag brought to the Prom must be checked in at the door, can be picked up when the student leaves, and is subject to search. The Prom is for juniors and seniors; however, the junior or senior student may invite a guest. Guests must be in at least NINTH GRADE and under 21 years of age in order to be permitted to attend the prom. Students must register guests from outside the school with the administration prior to purchasing tickets for the Prom. All attendees to the Prom must be a student in good standing with no outstanding obligations.