Guidance services are available to all students to:
- Improve their grades
- Discuss concerns
- Work through problems
- Explore options
- Reach decisions
- Acquire career and job information
- Check progress towards reaching graduation requirements
- Career and post-secondary education exploration
Students also receive information from school counselors through classroom visits, small group counseling sessions, individual conferences, P.A. announcements, and bulletins.
Important information alerting parents and students to special evening presentations, tests, and other programs will be sent home.
Admission officers from college, trade, technical, and business schools, and the military will visit the guidance office. Students may schedule appointments to meet with the counselor.
Any student with an educational, vocational, or a personal problem is encouraged to schedule an appointment to discuss the matter with his/her counselor. Ferndale Area encourages students and parents to take advantage of the guidance services provided.
Dual Enrollment
Ferndale Area High School has partnered with local colleges to offer college-level Dual Enrollment courses during the regular school year. Taking advantage of this postsecondary experience may jump-start a student’s college career by giving him/her the opportunity to earn college credits while still in high school.
Dual Enrollment Informative Letter from Andrea Ardary
Cost of College Comparison Letter
In order to enroll in dual enrollment courses students should:
- Acquire the Dual Enrollment Application from the guidance office
- Designate the Dual Enrollment courses in which you wish to enroll
- Return the completed application with the payment to the guidance office (cost is stated on the application)
- Upon completion of the course and after the grades are reported to the college, a grade report will be mailed to the student from the college
Accelerated College Education courses through Penn Highlands
Secondary Guidance Counselor
Ms. Molly Steiner
600 Harlan Avenue
Johnstown, PA 15905